
03PYUKO's are computer viruses distributed in JAPAN, 2003. A mysterious programmer created them, in hopes of making money with their ability to spy, record and steal important data such as banking information and pictures or videos.Every 03PYUKO is different, not all of them want to harm people by blackmailing them with personal information. Many of them like to just live on the USER's desktop and become their friend!
Please click the Icon to go to our link Overview for a fast Navigation!
• Buy an adoptable
• Keep an eye out for the monthly MYO events and buy a slot
• Join raffles in the Discord Server with the prize being MYO Slots
• Receive one in a trade/resell/as a gift.
• Visit our Trade Hub for better chances!
• Participate in fun prompts and Events! The winners will receive MYO slot(s) and alike.*You are able to join the prompts even without owning a 03PYUKO,
just ask an owner for permission to draw their character or use the mascots and NPCs!The species mascots are Kon and Pyu!
Click the link to be redirected to their Profiles!

Here is an overview of all the Links to make everything more accessible as we understand that we do have quite a bit of pages on this website.

Level 1: $15 - No animation allowed, standard 03PYUKO.Level 2: $20 - Chatbox can be animated, 03PYUKO can have glow/blingee animation, and can own a BUG.DEFECT:
Level 1: $25 - Standard defect 03PYUKO, one perma-glitch only + animated chatbox. Recording dots are always on.Level 2: $30 - Perma recording can be off, multiple perma-glitches allowed, multiple cables allowed, can own a BUG❈ We are allowed to change the prices at any time.
❈ We can add or change rules as needed.

We only accept PayPal as a Payment method.Points are no longer accepted due to the new updated DeviantArt which no longer allows Points to be converted into real Money.Please await instructions for the Payment, sometimes it will be paid via invoice, and sometimes it will be paid via link. Only pay once we give you the OK and the Instructions to do so. Do not send payment before Instructions have been given.After the payment has been sent, you can start designing!
Please join the 03PYUKO World and if you are unsure about traits join the Discord Server to get a faster reply!Once they are official we will add them to the 03PYUKO DatabaseFull credits will be given, we will give it a CS watermark and it will not be in high resolution.

WELCOME WELCOME!!!! We are gonna have a lot of fun and we're gonna be the bestest of friends!!!! I cant wait to play some games with you wahh!!

Nice to meet you.. Excuse my Sister she's a bit loud... Huh? Y-Yeah sure I can answer all the questions you might have...I'll do my best..!

Wahh!!! You wanna get your own 03PYUKO? Worry not my friend I have the Official Tickets!...What? You get them Cheaper from Jisan? Huh? Who's that?

Hey Kid...got some Pyen? I've got the goods. Good quality. Cheap. Easy and Fast. Dont ask questions.

I'm just a stressed-out artist who enjoys games and such, there's not really much to know about me.If you have any general questions or questions about the Pyuko Shop, feel free to DM me!
Toyhouse: @Kuroh |
Twitter: @KurohKujou |

Hello!! I go by Rin !
I have 2 kitties and a doggy and I also stream as a VTuber !! I love to draw and my favorite thing to draw is hot men ehe
Toyhouse: @37564 |
Twitter: @doroboumi |

Hi, I'm Wakuro and I tend to be rather quiet but I'm active most of the time so feel free to dm me any questions regarding the species!
Toyhouse: @wakuro |

Nice to met you!
artist in the process of improvement, graphic designer student and vtuber with a very soon debut but it seems that the world conspires so that it does not, I usually reply fast so contact me whenever you need me!
Toyhouse: @tba |
Twitter: @horogurafikku |

Heyo, I’m Ky, it’s great to make your acquaintance! I can speak five languages and I like rocks! I’m a hobbyist artist and character designer and I will eat your pretty ocs
Toyhouse: @Alchemist |
Twitter: @Alchemist__P |

03PYUKO's know how Japan looks like thanks to the maps on the internet.
Their world is called 'Chatroom'.
Even though it's not just a chatroom anymore, it was supposed to function as one in the beginning.Once 03PYUKO's started to gain consciousness they started to edit the code of the chatroom and now they are able to edit things into the world, like objects.. They are also able to see each other! They have worked hard to make it a completely virtual world.

Famous places were re-created 1:1 and every 03PYUKO has access to them! This is how they meet other 03PYUKO's and how they often stay in touch with them! They are code(password) free, unlike private places (so-called Channels).
The official and open chatrooms that don't need a code to visit them, are set in stone and no 03PYUKO is able to change the surroundings anymore, nor is able to add big objects. This is made to prevent other more delinquent 03PYUKO's from messing everything up.
However, every 03PYUKO is able to code tiny objects such as food and clothes, though the food has no taste, and the clothes will disappear once they move to a different area.

Private channels can be made by any 03PYUKO and there can be as many channels as they like.
There they can create any objects in their channel, even crazy things like Skies, water, fixed days settings (morning/afternoon/evening/rainy/sunny/etc) and more, anything! goes!
Anyone can code something to the chatroom and coded objects will stay permanently unless the owner of the chatroom will delete them.
These type of channels will require a code to visit them, in order to receive the code the 03PYUKO's must connect their cables together to send it over.

The open chatrooms also have vendors and shops that other 03PYUKOs are managing.Unused 03PYUKOs are managing the shops in the chatrooms, the USER might have stopped using their devices and the 03PYUKOs have now coded themselves into the chatroom, to be of use for others! (They are NPCs and only MODs can create them, keep that in mind!) And other 03PYUKOs often work in the shops full-time or part-time, depending on how active their USER is, to earn some cash! (if they aren't already selling their USER's info)Items that have been bought from their stores will be permanent and 03PYUKO's can bring them back home. Food will also taste like good food!There are shops that go towards a dark direction as well, such as the black market.
When it got decided that unused 03PYUKOs may function as shopkeepers, defective 03PYUKOs glitched themselves secretly into the mass and now they own shops as well.These Official shops require a special currency called ''PYEN'' () that cannot be coded by normal 03PYUKOS, the shopkeepers will send the money over to them by connecting their cables once they're done working their shifts.

There are 03PYUKO Idols and Celebrities, Infamous 03PYUKOs etc, all of them exist in the 03PYUKO World!

First and foremost, the 03PYUKO Code of Conduct is at all times subject to the rules and T.O.S. of the platform one is browsing the 03PYUKO community on, be it DeviantArt, Toyhou.se or Discord.
Please note that this Code of Conduct only applies to the public, visible 03PYUKO community. What happens in private and otherwise outside of the 03PYUKO community lies outside of our control. However, we will do our best to enforce the rules of this Code of Conduct to the best of our ability when needed.The 03PYUKO Code of Conduct is subject to change without further notice.
Artworks that are sexual in nature and depict minors (including workaround terms such as “loli” or “shota”) and/or bestiality (“ferals” and animals otherwise lacking anthropomorphic stature and intelligence) are strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated under any circumstance. This rule also applies to any other illegal, borderline illegal or highly controversial sexual content. Please use your best judgement when posting sexual content that may be of this nature. Failure to comply with this rule results in an immediate blacklist.Be considerate as far as sexual artworks of fetishistic or otherwise paraphilic nature are concerned. Again, please use your best judgement to determine if posting your sexual 03PYUKO content will make others in the community uncomfortable; while most people don’t mind seeing depictions of light BDSM, topics such as vore, inflation etc. are to be kept private, or shared within closed circles where all participants have agreed upon to see such content. Our Discord has NSFW channels; please do not submit artworks of niche-paraphilic nature in them.Be moderate as far as sexual artworks of fetishistic or otherwise paraphilic nature go. 03PYUKO is not a fetish-oriented closed species, and we would like to not be associated with excessive fetish content. If you are looking to express your paraphilias, we are not the closed species for you.The 03PYUKO DeviantArt group is a PG-13 place. Please do not submit sexual content to it.We do not allow content that is meant to be:
strongly political, controversial or hateful in nature. This includes, but is not limited, to: content depicting nazism, content that pushes political ideologies, personal attacks/callouts/witch hunts and disrespectful depictions of any person or group of persons.
Do not harass or pester other people. We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind based on socio-economic status, religion, culture, gender, race, orientation, political sidedness etc. Even when the matter does not entail direct discrimination, please be civil and do not bully or slander others. If we see this happening, measures will be taken depending on the severity of your behaviour.Do not guilt trip, beg towards or harass others in relation to character trades, adopts, etc. Do not pester people to sell their characters to you, and do not throw fits when you don’t get a character you want/win an auction or OTA. We ensure that all adoptable sales that happen from our side are done in a fair manner, and we do not skew sales in favour of anyone. Please remember, however, that we do not have control over character trades and sales that are not conducted by us. We understand if you are sad you couldn’t get a character you wanted, but if we repeatedly see you showing the above behaviour over a lost adopt sale/character trades, we will take action against this.We do not resolve personal issues between people, catfights, ‘drama’, etc. No matter how ‘problematic’ you find someone, as long as they are not breaking any rules in the T.O.S. and/or Code of Conduct, we will not involve ourselves with them. Please only report people if the issue in question has to do with the 03PYUKO closed species.Do not directly attack any of the moderators, even if you do not agree with their choices. We are only people trying to make the community as enjoyable and accessible as possible.If you see any rules in this Code of Conduct being broken, do not try to resolve the issue yourself, as that might result in an escalation of the problem. If possible, please report the message or content that broke the rules, and if the moderators have not taken action yet, please contact us about the issue. We will handle the reported issue as soon as possible.
The 03PYUKO closed species was created by Yatsuu and Chariko.
It is currently owned by Hitogui/37564. Please message them or any of the moderators for any questions.If you are found breaking any of these rules you will receive a warning and be reminded of these rules. If you keep breaking the rules afterwards, you risk being banned and blacklisted from purchasing our designs or receiving them through trades.
• You are allowed to co-own 03PYUKO. To avoid difficulties, it’s best if you co-own your 03PYUKO with a close friend! Please let us know if you plan to co-own a 03PYUKO, so that we can edit the Masterlist accordingly!• If you get into trouble with the person co-owning your 03PYUKO, please solve these problems privately; we do not intend to get involved with personal issues!• No more than two people can co-own one character.
If you plan to redesign your 03PYUKO and the design falls under co-ownership, it can only be altered if both owners agree to the character’s alterations.• If one of the two owners of a 03PYUKO transfers full ownership to the other owner, this has to be stated in the Database.
• Minor changes (such as eye color) that clearly resemble the original design are accepted without having to send a note for approval. For any bigger changes, or changes you are unsure will be okay, please message us to get the character change approved!• Please keep the original version of the character somewhere in case the design changes owners at some point, since the new owner might want to keep the original version of the design.• You may add as many wardrobes and hairstyles as you like! You are not allowed to change the specific 03PYUKO traits (without owning an editing ticket).
• Please make sure to get an appraisal from the moderators before reselling your 03PYUKO Design or MYO slot.• Appraisal rules can be found here.• All our adoptables may be resold at the original price they were bought for. The price has to be the same currency that you paid with. (PayPal can convert the money to your own currency).• You are not allowed to profit off of our work, this means if you received a design in a trade, then you may only trade/gift/swap the design. If you are caught breaking this rule, we will take action accordingly.• MYOs may be resold for the original MYO slot price, if extra art is commissioned for the design, you may ask for more. Again, please refer to the appraisal rules.
• If you’re uncertain about any of the rules, feel free to ask the moderators. We don’t bite!• Our full Code of Conduct can be found here.• Every 03PYUKO, along with who owns each design at the moment, can be found on the 03PYUKO DATABASE• We must be notified of any trade/sell/swap/gift of any 03PYUKO design. Please refer to the Masterlist for this!• For general info about MYO (Make Your Own) slots and their pricing, click here.• Do not steal, trace, heavily reference or copy any 03PYUKO designs! Taking inspiration is fine, but your 03PYUKO should not look like a copy or obvious derivative of an already existing design!• You may not use 03PYUKO for commercial use or personal monetary profit, as you are not licensed to do so.
• You may transfer ownership of a design to another person.• You may resell a design for the price you purchased it for.• You are free to gift a character to another person.- You may add additional cost to a design if you commissioned art.• [If you want to resell a 03PYUKO design that comes with extra art, please send us a message to get your design appraised!How to receive an Appraisal• Full rules on reselling designs and appraisal can be found further below.• You may make minor edits to an adoptable you’ve bought. If you want to edit a character, please message the moderators to get your edits approved!
• Please credit and link to us (whoever designed the character) when re-posting our art on DeviantArt, Toyhou.se, Twitter or on any other site.• Please credit us for the design at least once! (or more, we'd love to see their art!)• Do not take credit for a design you haven’t made! This is the case for adoptables, designs you have bought from or traded with others and designs you were gifted. If you drew the initial design yourself, which is often the case with a MYO, credit is all yours! (But credit for the species still remains ours).

• A 03PYUKO design will be yours only after we have received payment for it!• We do holds for 48 hours only unless otherwise stated!• If you win an adoptable, payment must be sent within 24 hours after confirmation unless otherwise agreed upon prior.• You will receive your 03PYUKO’s original file as soon as possible after payment has been received.• You can not bid on our adopts with an account less than 3 months old, unless you have proof that you have purchased other adopts before.• No dropping out, returning or refunding once you bought the design. Please be 100% sure that you can pay, and please only offer on a design if you are serious about buying it! No ‘feeler’s or ‘maybe’s.• Depending on what happened, failure to pay within the designated time may lead you to be warned, banned or, in very bad cases, blacklisted.• If you fail to pay for a 03PYUKO design in time, depending on the situation the design will either go to the next person in line, or be put back up for offers.• If a 03PYUKO has been put back up for offers because you have failed to complete payment the first time around, you are not allowed to offer on it again.• Payment plans are accepted starting from a certain amount of money that differs for each adoptable. If you are offering on a 03PYUKO and you would like to pay for it through a payment plan, please clearly state so in your offer!• After you win the adoptable, please send us a message so that a proper payment plan can be discussed.• Payment plans have to be completed within 1 month from the date the design was bought.• If you have agreed on a payment plan, but are unable to complete it, only 50% of what you have already paid will be refunded. The design in question in this case will be put back up for offers and you will not be able to offer on it again.• Please do not commission or draw art of an adoptable before it has been fully paid off. This is to avoid awkward situations in the case that payment cannot be completed and the design has to go up for offers again.
• People blacklisted from participating in the 03PYUKO community can be found here: Blacklist• Purchasing any of our designs means you have read, understood and abide by these rules. If there are some things you are unsure of, please don't be scared to note the group or ask in the discord server for a quicker reply!
Slots will not be sold here, this is only the Information in regard to the Sales.
The 03PYUKO World will hold MYO events to sell them!
MYOs are currently closed. You can check the 03PYUKO Toyhouse Page update Box for the announcement of the next event.
We will hold MYO events during the third or fourth week of every month unless otherwise stated.
• You will need to update your MYO slot after trading/selling/gifting it away on the MYO TRACKER by filling out the required form. Further instructions will be given in the journal itself.• DeviantArt MYO Tracker
> This tracker is invalid and will no longer be accepted/updated!
Make sure your slot has been transferred over to the Toyhouse Deviantart Master tracker instead!• Toyhouse MYO Tracker
> This Tracker will be the new-updated one and new MYO Slots will be tracked here.
All slots are currently stored there, even the old ones from DeviantArt have been transferred over. Just check the corresponding month/year you purchased the slot in to find it.
To submit your MYO note the 03PYUKO DATABASE with your note title being "MYO- (username)"In your note, you need to include the following form:Username: (Toyhouse AND Deviantart)
MYO tracker comment: * Refer to the explanation below on how to add your comment properly!
Intact/Defect: (state which level)> Make sure to design a chatbox for them as well!And don't forget to include an 'X' so that the USER can mute them/click the message away!
TRACKER FOLDERS• Each Sale has its own profile on Toyhouse, click on the profile which shows the date on which sale you obtained the slot, refer to the Comment section, in here you can find your slot comment, update it with the instructions given and copy+paste the URL of the comment by clicking on the Timestamp• DO NOT send your comment from the event journal or screenshots and alike.• This is, so we can mark your slot as used. Screenshots and the like are useless, please keep that in mind!• Do not upload your MYO into your gallery/toyhouse/commission art of them before it has been approved!
If you want to make changes to your 03PYUKOs TRAITS you will need an editing ticket.❈ Editing tickets can be obtained by participating in the monthly art prompts which will be held in the 03PYUKO World or the Discord and through the DLC SHOP.An edit that needs to be approved is a permanent trait on the 03PYUKO which is being changed!The following changes count as traits and need to be submitted:Animal Traits (Cat 03PYUKO -> Mouse 03PYUKO )
Chip Design as well as (if present) Chip Sign
Button Design
Perma-Glitch location* (if you've got a defect 03PYUKO)
Glow/Sparkle effect location (if you’ve got a Level 2 intact)❈ You cannot change an intact 03PYUKO into a defect even with an editing ticket unless you got permission from CREATOR-SAN or obtained an upgrade ticket which can be purchased in the Shop with Pyen or real money.❈ Pyen is a made-up currency for the 03PYUKO lore, you will be able to earn Pyen by participating in Prompts.The images used for the glitch can always differ from picture to picture if you desire, they don't need to be consistent.If you wish to change your 03PYUKOs clothes/hairstyle/body type/etc: you may do so, as long as the character looks recognizable. You may add as many wardrobes and hairstyles as you like!❈ Gender changes are allowed as long as the Character still looks the same.
> This is to avoid having two designs going around, where one of which can be claimed as ‘twin’ or similar.❈ please send a note for approval regardless to make sure.
❈ Please keep the original version of the character in case the design will change owners.
To submit your MYO note the 03PYUKO DATABASE with your note title being "MYO 03PYUKO Edits - (username)"> Please make sure to include the original design as well as the re-design in the group note, so we see what was changed. Color Palette changes are allowed but need to be submitted too. The original file has to stay with the design when trading/selling/gifting.FORM:
Original Design:
Masterlist Entry:
Edited Design:
Changes: (note down all your changes in bullet points)
Proof of obtaining an Editing/Upgrade Ticket: (Only if needed. Please link back to your Ticket unless otherwise stated)
❈ VOUCHERS ARE NOT ALLOWED FOR MYO SLOTSIt is now MANDATORY to get your 03PYUKO Appraised before reselling. Rules and How to do that can be found here 03PYUKO Valuation ProcessSelling an MYO Slot:
• It is mandatory to include a link to the MYO slot tracker for people to view and confirm.• Reselling a Slot you have gotten as a gift is NOT allowed unless you have the permission of the person who gifted you said slot. In this case, two people must confirm under the MYO Tracker.• Keep in mind the value of the Slot, only resell it for the same price you've obtained the slot or less. Do not ask for more money. If we catch you doing this, you'll be blacklisted.Trading an MYO Slot:
• It is mandatory to include a link to the MYO slot tracker for people to view and confirm.• Trading a Slot you have gotten as a gift is NOT allowed unless you have the permission of the person who gifted you said slot. In this case, two people must confirm under the MYO Tracker.• Keep in mind the value of the Slot, you are only allowed to trade it for the same value you've obtained the slot for or less. Do not ask to get something that is worth more than your Slot. If we catch you doing this, you'll be blacklisted.• If people offer you something that is worth more than your slot, you have to remind them of the slots worth. If they insist on keeping their offer, you may accept.Gifting an MYO Slot:
• It is mandatory to include a link to the MYO slot tracker for people to view and confirm.• You are allowed to gift your slot to anyone who is not blacklisted but when doing this, it will lose its value. Please keep that in mind.•You cannot take back the gifted slot. If we catch you doing this, it will result in you being blacklisted.Cooldown Period:
• To prevent cases of crypto-currency, we implemented a seven(7) days cooldown period. In this timeframe, you are not allowed to sell, trade or gift your slot away. Gifting in this timeframe is not allowed to prevent loopholes, we hope you understand.• However, if you receive the slot in a second-hand resale/trade etc, this will not reset the 7-day cooldown period rule. This rule only applies when you first receive the slot from us in an MYO sale/raffle etc.• By buying an MYO slot you agree to the following terms, which include but are not limited to uploading your drawing of the approved 03PYUKO to the 03PYUKO-DATABASE
If you’re wanting to leave the 03PYUKO species, we’re very sad to hear that! If you’re wondering about this and want to know what steps will be taken and what will happen to the designs you own, then this is the guide for you.Owned 03PYUKOAny 03PYUKO you own, whether it is an official design or an MYO design, is not allowed to be de-pyukofied (removing the traits so that it no longer resembles the species).We understand that this is strict, but due to fraudulent behaviours in the past, we have decided that removing 03PYUKO from the species is no longer allowed.If you wish to leave the species, the best option for you would be to sell or trade any 03PYUKO you own for something else.While you’re not allowed to remove the traits of any 03PYUKO you own, you’re free to make an AU version of the same character after your 03PYUKO are traded/sold off, but this AU version must be in no way related to the species and completely separate from the 03PYUKO version.Please note that making an AU version of a 03PYUKO in regards to leaving the species is ONLY allowed for MYO designs, and under no circumstance for official designs.You still have to get an appraisal when reselling the 03PYUKO version along with said design. This appraisal will only be counted for artworks that feature 03PYUKO traits and not the AU versions as we have no say in their AU-version worth.Please make sure to update the 03PYUKO-DATABASE when you are no longer the owner of said 03PYUKO design!

• Your slot can be traded, gifted and resold. Reply to your MYO TRACKER ticket to update the transfer.• You can sell your slot but only for what you've paid for. If we catch you selling it for more there will be consequences.• Obey the species guide when designing your 03PYUKO.• You must send a note to the Toyhouse World with your completed design to get it approved and made official.• Once approved you may post it. Do not upload it anywhere publicly before it has been approved.• There is no time limit on finishing your 03PYUKO! So there is no need to rush!
• Please click the button above to be redirected to the Visual Guides!
• MYO Sales are usually held as limited slot sales."First come first servers" are the rules that apply to limited slot sales, unless otherwise stated.• This means it is determined by the buyer's speed to comment on the respective journal/bulletin in time to claim a slot.
Level 1: $15 - No animation allowed, standard 03PYUKO.Level 2: $20 - Chatbox can be animated, 03PYUKO can have glow/blingee animation, and can own a BUG.DEFECT:
Level 1: $25 - Standard defect 03PYUKO, one perma-glitch only + animated chatbox. Recording dots are always on.Level 2: $30 - Perma recording can be off, multiple perma-glitches allowed, multiple cables allowed, can own a BUG❈ We are allowed to change the prices at any time.
❈ We can add or change rules as needed.
❈ BUGs are Companions for your 03PYUKO. You do not HAVE to design one, but the respective tier will grant you permission to design one for your 03PYUKO if desired. More Infos about BUGs can be found here
By paying via PayPal, please pay your Invoice upon receiving it, unless other instructions were given.❈Please refer to the Payment Instructions for further details.*Note that events can sometimes slow down invoicing. Please be patient! After the payment has been sent, you can start designing!You MUST include your DeviantArt AND Toyhouse username, or else it will be very hard, time-consuming and confusing to figure out whose money it is.If you forgot to include it, send the Masterlist a note or reply to your own comment telling us your email!
• Stealing/copying/tracing anyone else's art/designs is strictly prohibited and not tolerated whatsoever.• Do not base your 03PYUKO on an already existing design of ours.
If you want your 03PYUKO design to be based on another OC from someone else you need their permission to do so.• You are allowed to commission/ask someone to design the 03PYUKO for you, when submitting the 03PYUKO for approval, write their name or a link to their social media in the 'designer' line.• By designing a 03PYUKO, the person who will end up designing it, will automatically agree to our Terms and editing Rules.• If you turn a pre-existing OC /adopt into a 03PYUKO you can do so, special rules might apply. In this case, two credits are needed. Creator of the OG design as well as who did the 03PYUKO Version of said design / added the 03PYUKO traits. You might as well commission someone to do so.• Crossbreeds between 03PYUKO's and other Closed Species are not allowed unless otherwise stated.❈ You are allowed to design Twin 03PYUKO, however, two (2) MYO tickets must be purchased when designing them. You can’t make two ocs out of one ticket.• Please refer to the official 03PYUKO trait guides for designing your 03PYUKO which tells you all the possible features you can include.
Please send a note to the 03PYUKO Database if you are unsure about traits, or join the Discord server to get a faster reply• Your 03PYUKO can look however you want!
03PYUKO's are in the year 2003, designs in that era would be cool but it's not a must!
They can be inspired by anime characters, but do not turn an anime character into a 03PYUKO.
Racist and offensive designs will not be tolerated either. If you won't respect those terms, you will be blacklisted.• You own the full rights to the design, but they are not for commercial use.
• By purchasing a slot you agree to follow 03PYUKO’s Terms of Service• Make sure to read these as well as the descriptions of each deviation.• One (1) slot per person in total is allowed unless otherwise stated.
• If you aren't able to claim because of the timezones/you aren't free, you may ask someone to claim for you.• ❈ You must be of legal age to purchase an MYO slot or have your parents' permission.• Once purchased, there will be no refund for your slot.• After payment instructions have been given, you're obligated to pay within 48 hours of receiving them or else your slot will be opened up again.
We implemented new Rules in order to keep everything fair and square when trading/reselling a 03PYUKO Design or MYO Slot.We have decided to open mandatory appraisal requirements if you are planning to seek money offers/resales/vouchers etc on your 03PYUKOs.
Please make sure to read the full Page for the required steps.
❈ VOUCHERS ARE NOT ALLOWED FOR MYO SLOTSIt is now MANDATORY to get your 03PYUKO Appraised before reselling. Rules and How to do that can be found here 03PYUKO Valuation ProcessSelling an MYO Slot:
• It is mandatory to include a link to the MYO slot tracker for people to view and confirm.• Reselling a Slot you have gotten as a gift is NOT allowed unless you have the permission of the person who gifted you said slot. In this case, two people must confirm under the MYO Tracker.• Keep in mind the value of the Slot, only resell it for the same price you've obtained the slot or less. Do not ask for more money. If we catch you doing this, you'll be blacklisted.Trading an MYO Slot:
• It is mandatory to include a link to the MYO slot tracker for people to view and confirm.• Trading a Slot you have gotten as a gift is NOT allowed unless you have the permission of the person who gifted you said slot. In this case, two people must confirm under the MYO Tracker.• Keep in mind the value of the Slot, you are only allowed to trade it for the same value you've obtained the slot for or less. Do not ask to get something that is worth more than your Slot. If we catch you doing this, you'll be blacklisted.• If people offer you something that is worth more than your slot, you have to remind them of the slots worth. If they insist on keeping their offer, you may accept.Gifting an MYO Slot:
• It is mandatory to include a link to the MYO slot tracker for people to view and confirm.• You are allowed to gift your slot to anyone who is not blacklisted but when doing this, it will lose its value. Please keep that in mind.•You cannot take back the gifted slot. If we catch you doing this, it will result in you being blacklisted.Cooldown Period:
• To prevent cases of crypto-currency, we implemented a seven(7) days cooldown period. In this timeframe, you are not allowed to sell, trade or gift your slot away. Gifting in this timeframe is not allowed to prevent loopholes, we hope you understand.• However, if you receive the slot in a second-hand resale/trade etc, this will not reset the 7-day cooldown period rule. This rule only applies when you first receive the slot from us in an MYO sale/raffle etc.• By buying an MYO slot you agree to the following terms, which include but are not limited to uploading your drawing of the approved 03PYUKO to the 03PYUKO-DATABASE
When you accept money offers (resells/vouchers etc) for your MYO 03PYUKO Designs as well as all pre-made (Official) 03PYUKOs, it is now mandatory to receive an appraisal from the Admins before accepting any money.MYO Slot Prices can be found here
• Do not resell the Design for more than you have bought it for unless it has extra art!• Trading, reselling, or gifting a design means that any attached re-designs and art go along with it.
The redesign cannot be separated nor duplicated into a separate character as they are both versions of the same design.• Personal artwork does not add to the overall price. This is to prevent fraud. Art gained through art trades can also not be added to the monetary value of the design.• If you do not wish to offer your own art with the design, you are in your right to do so. While you cannot add your own art to the monetary value of your 03PYUKO, you are still free to count it towards its trade value, when trading your design for something other than money.• You are only allowed to accept the amount of money that you yourself had spent on it for commissions. All art that came with the 03PYUKO that you received in a trade and which were Commissions will not be counted as you have not paid for those Art pieces yourself.• If you offer Art/Characters for a 03PYUKO design, we recommend you not offer more than its initial value. If you, however, wish to offer more regardless, feel free to do so as long as you're aware of it.• All 03PYUKOs that have been received via trade will not have a monetary value. All the monetary value you can accept for such a 03PYUKO can only come from what you yourself have spent on commissions. Add-ons (characters/art) will be allowed.• If you are the original purchaser of the 03PYUKO Adoptable / MYO Slot you may count the value of it in as well.
MYO slots that have been received in a trade will not count as add-on to the overall value.• We will not count the Original Reference sheet you submitted to the group for MYO approval into the value. For example, if you bought a slot with the value of $15, the character will only be worth $15 UNLESS you paid someone to draw your MYO for approval. Then it will be $15 + X (what you have paid the Artist to draw it.)• Vouchers are to be treated the same as a resale or trade, as the same rules apply. Only count what you yourselves have spent on the design. Please keep the price reasonable. If you're unsure about the value of a 03PYUKO (voucher value, trade value) feel free to note the group. This applies to not only other people's values but also your own.
1. Note the 03PYUKO-DATABASE
Title it "03PYUKO Appraisal - (your username)"2. Provide a link to your 03PYUKO in the note.
This link can be a Toyhou.se link as well as a sta.sh link with all the Art of it.
Make sure we will receive a link with all the art your character got.3. State the value of each picture
For example in Toyhou.se, make the picture description clear: "Commission - 35$" etc, in the Sta.sh link name each picture with the price and/or what it was (Gift art/trade art for example)> Please include proof of the transaction(s) via (PayPal)screenshots.That's all!
We will be double-checking to make sure everything is okay.Please remember to hold off on accepting any money before we can finish the appraisal.Appraisals may take up between three(3) to seven(7) days or longer, depending on how much there is to check, but don't worry.We will make sure to check them all within a reasonable time. Thank you for your patience in advance!

last updated on 15.03.2021
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us, they might be added to the FAQ.
03PYUKO are computer viruses that have gained their own consciousness! They were created in Japan in 2003 by an anonymous programmer who wanted to earn money with this invention.
Yes. Lore-wise, it is currently still the year 2003, so we don't know what the future might bring us.
Maybe the CREATOR will code more 03PYUKO and improve them and their code, with technology advancing over time?However, as stated before, in the lore and the World of 03PYUKO it is currently still 2003, 03PYUKO are a new invention that is still rather unknown and spreading carefully but steadily across the world each day.However, you do not have to follow the lore if you do not wish to, and if you want to have a 03PYUKO from a modern site or in a modern setting, you're free to do so!
Who knows what the future has in stock? ; ) But we have certainly something planned to let them walk around more...freely.
No, they don't have to reside on their USERs Devices all the time, once that shuts off 03PYUKOs have the ability to visit either their own Website again or a so-called "Chatroom" - it's a Chatroom only 03PYUKOs can access; in there they can talk and meet with other 03PYUKO, exchange data or just rest.For more information about the 03PYUKO worldbuilding please visit their ☆ 03PYUKO WORLD ☆Or take a look at 03PYUKO ☆ VIRTUAL WORLD ☆ GUIDE!
Yes, there are shops and shopkeepers. Shopkeepers are 03PYUKO which were permanently coded into the Chatroom (meaning, they cannot leave -> NPC's).03PYUKO has its own currency called PYEN with which they buy items.
They need PYEN to buy personal items; they could code them for free, but once leaving an area and going to the next one (Imagine a loading screen in a game when going to a different area) the items disappear.If bought with PYEN, the items are permanent and can be taken back to the desktop of the USER if wanted!They don't have to pay rent (for example) for their Private Chatroom, but if you want your 03PYUKO to pay rent to anyone you can, of course, let them do that.
They use their Cable to communicate and exchange data, and the Chatbox will only be used to address their USER.They just talk normally to each other and do have a voice.Their voice can be heard by their USER only if they hijack the boxes/headphones.
They exchange data by connecting their Cables, as well as big-screen news which pops up around ''Town'' (The Chatroom). They have normal news pages too or just access the Internet!
Of course! 03PYUKO idols and celebrities, infamous 03PYUKO etc, all of them exist in their 03PYUKO World!
Yes 03PYUKO can leave a Computer if so desired and no longer want to entertain their USER or if said USER is deceased / Device is broken.
Generally speaking, many 03PYUKO stay in a device to collect Data before they plan on moving on, but they would go back to their Website or to their Private chatroom.
03PYUKO can also leave the device to infiltrate another temporary USER, while always going back to their Original USER since they can collect Data from others if the USER so desires and the 03PYUKO comply with their request. Similarly, to how the CREATOR intended to use 03PYUKO initially before they broke free from their code. If a USER is telling their 03PYUKO to go spy on someone else for them, it's up for the 03PYUKO to decide whether or not they will comply with this request.
It is possible for a 03PYUKO to coordinate/participate in online attacks.
Defects happen if an antivirus software tries to get rid of a 03PYUKO.Parts of the 03PYUKO's code will get deleted or overwritten, an error so to speak, which will cause them to become defective and glitch out, but they can never be completely removed!You can also get infected by a defective 03PYUKO if you browse the dark web.
Defects can still be dorky, but there is always some kind of grudge inside of them.
Nope, a 03PYUKO can only become a defect when its code has been messed with. 03PYUKO can't mess with other 03PYUKO’s codes.
Not really; even if you crush your computer, the 03PYUKO is still on the web. By cutting the online function you're just cutting their access to the web. (But most 03PYUKO will find their way around it and just hop into the cable; remember, its 2003 and WiFi-Connections aren't really that advanced yet!)You can try to remove a 03PYUKO by using an antivirus program, but this would only result in them glitching out (becoming defect), their codes can never be completely removed.
No. While 03PYUKO can hurt each other, they can not kill each other or turn each other into defects, they cannot mess with another 03PYUKO’s code nor are they able to run any antivirus program on the computer of another 03PYUKO when they're not in the computer themselves.They can try to start the antivirus program to delete their victim, but they have a high chance of also getting detected by the antivirus program, which can backfire.
Yes, they can attempt to get erased by running an Anti-Virus programme on themselves. However, this will just result in them becoming a defect.
No, it is not possible to be a witness. (However, defects can show other 03PYUKO how it was to be turned into a defect by connecting the cables and showing them what they endured via data transfer so they see it from their POV).
03PYUKO can feel pain, it's just not like a human would feel pain, it's like a simulated pain.
They can transfer it (via cable connection) to another 03PYUKO, or inflict it to another 03PYUKO by punching etc. They do not bleed, but can code themselves to appear bleeding. They however can bleed code.
Yes, they can appear as twins when there was an error in the code and it got multiplied. This is what happened with Kon and Pyu, the mascots of the species!
❈ 03PYUKO cannot reproduce, since they are computer viruses!It is possible for one twin to be intact while the other one can be a defect. Their status doesn't have to be the same.❈ If you want to have twin 03PYUKO OCs, you must pay for two (2) MYO Tickets.You may share the design with another person, but the 03PYUKO-DATABASE must be notified of the shared ownership (Since it's the same design)
Technically it is allowed, but then again you’ll need X amount of MYO slots for X amount of 03PYUKO you want to make (twins, triplets quadruplets etc.)
Yes, they need to come from the same website; an error happened while the virus got downloaded and now there are two on the same pc from the same website.
Yes, they can appear to look alike :)
If the USER has multiple devices, yep! There is no limit to how many devices a USER has. It's up to you.

Short answer: Yes they need to have an "Evil Mark" inside of their Chip.Long answer: While they might visually have that trait, your Defect 03PYUKO does not need to be evil story wise, them being 'evil' can simply mean they hide their users Data in Folders or blast loud music randomly, it does not mean that they want to inflict harm on their User.
Yes, they can! They have a sign on their chip to indicate whether or not they're evil.
Yes, but you would need to get an editing ticket for this change to happen.
Sure. They can have every personality you'd like them to have.
If you visit a video game’s download page, you can get a 03PYUKO from there; they're able to jump into the said game and screw around with you in there. The same holds true for Movie Streaming pages and similar.As for games or movies you put into the PC first via CD Disk and alike - No that's not possible.
Yes, of course!
Sure! USER is just a placeholder name and your 03PYUKO can call their USER whatever you want them to.
Yes of course! Feel free to add a whole wardrobe to your 03PYUKO or different Hairstyles!
Normal pets as you know them (behaviour-wise) are not something they have. However, your 03PYUKO can have a little creature companion (a BUG) who behaves more like a separate 03PYUKO than a pet dog.The difference is basically that the 03PYUKO doesn’t have to take care of the creature as you would care for a pet animal; they think on their own and are not dependent on the 03PYUKO.However - you have to design them for your 03PYUKO upfront with your MYO if the tier of your slot allows for it, and you can’t add one later afterwards. Some official 03PYUKO adopts come with BUGs as well.
If the hat is covering the animal ears, and the button is located on the ears, the hat needs to have animal ears as well and the button will 'program' itself to be on top of the hat, on the same place the button would be without the hat, like in this example:

If your hat is smaller (meaning, not covering the animal ears) the button will just stay on the ears!
No, they don’t grow or age, they are computer viruses after all.
However, they can alter their look/height (clothes, hairstyle) to appear younger/older, male/female if desired.
They cannot change certain aspects of their code, so please ask if you're unsure!
03PYUKO cannot chat with other 03PYUKO while the device is turned on, since they're being 'used' on a device and are currently not connected to the open chatroom or a private channel (where other 03PYUKO might be).
Yes, but the devices they’re on have to be of a computer-ish nature, such as Laptop, Ipad etc.They cannot just get into any technical device, the device needs to have an internet connection/ access to websites since that's where 03PYUKO are coming from. 03PYUKO cannot be imported into an AI body yet.
No, you are not allowed to do so. We have official 03PYUKO NPCs which you can include in your illustrations if needed.Please only draw existing 03PYUKO (NPCs or from other owners*) and do not come up with any place-holder 03PYUKO designs if you need characters as background props. This is to prevent possible loopholes.*Make sure to get the owner's permission to draw their OC!
Please feel free to submit your suggestions for certain NPCs to the Masterlist, we're always open for design ideas/NPC ideas, or consider joining our Discord to request an NPC there! We also hold NPC contests from time to time ;)
We will announce it on the 03PYUKO World or the Discord if we host a GA event, with the requirements for a proper application!
We will announce it in the 03PYUKO World or the Discord if we are currently looking for M0Ds. You are asked to fill out an application and it goes from there!
They can also have as many tails as you'd like! Only one tail will hold the chip though, unless it is a separated chip; then a maximum of two tails will hold the chip.
Extra limbs are allowed!
Yes, they can be based on mythical creatures or appear to be one, as long as they have normal 03PYUKO traits.If you are unsure, please ask the group; individual cases might differ.
No. It would be too confusing and since each CS has their own lore and ToS to follow, it would be too much of a mess for everyone involved.However, we might host events for official crossbreeds in the future.
We do have a 7-day cooldown period for MYO slot resells/trades after the event is hosted.Worry not; we will host "first-time owner" events sometimes! :)There are no cooldown periods for secondhand ownership of slots.
No, we do not have an official Code made for 03PYUKO, however, there are a lot of popular codes within the community that can be found here:DISCORD THEME CODE:
$3: Gradient
8$: DesktopF2U:
Human Revolution
Back to 98
Windows 2000
Classic dA
dA Custom Box
MS-Paint Windows 98
Error Card
No, once the code breaks, it cannot be fixed again. Once defect, they stay defect.Maybe in the future there will be a code that fixes them but for now, it's not possible.
Of course! They are called Kon and Pyu. Kon and Pyu are twin sisters and were the first successful 03PYUKO to be created after there was one unlucky first try, and they function as a tutorial 03PYUKO for everyone who downloaded one.(Although there was only meant to be one of them at first... Seems like there was a glitch while downloading them?)The white Kitty is Kon and the black Kitty is Pyu!

More information about them can be found on their Toyhouse Profiles!
Everything regarding that can be found here: MYO GUIDE
We offer help with that! We have an OFFICIAL MYO BASE you can use.Just make sure to follow the rules since it’s not meant for commercial use and only for 03PYUKO designs!
You should expect an answer within 1-7 days of sending your note.
However, sometimes it can take longer to answer, especially during the first week of an MYO event where we have multiple designs submitted.
If you do not hear back from us within a week, please do not be afraid to note us again! Your note most likely got buried or wasn't sent due to technical errors!
Yes of course. If you prefer the OG design, Please make sure to note the group about it and include the unwatermarked original design you'd like for the masterlist to be updated.
Sure! The windows are just examples of how they could possibly look.
You are free to either keep the pre-made window design or change it to your liking! just don't forget to include an 'X' somewhere!
No, once designed and submitted for approval, your intact 03PYUKO cannot be turned into a defect by getting a defect MYO slot.However we have “upgrade tickets” in place for that upgrade, you can acquire those by collecting “PYEN” which you will get as a reward for joining the prompts and events.
Feel free to draw your defect as intact for story purposes, however, intact 03PYUKOs can never be drawn as defects if they don’t canonically have been defectified, since this would just create a loophole!
There is no need to use an actual site from 2003, feel free to create a site yourself and be creative :)It's up to your imagination! You can also use existing sites you like such as Youtube which were created much later than 2003.
Of course!
We'd be more than happy to see as much 03PYUKO art around as possible :) Just ask the respective owner for their permission, or draw one of the official mascots/NPC 03PYUKO!
Consider joining our 03PYUKO World or the Discord to connect to other USERs!
Yes, as long as all the traits stay the same! For more Information please refer to the MYO Rules for the editing section, thank you!
We will hold small drawing prompts every 1-2 months on our server! We plan on getting more active in the future though.These prompts are just for fun and for the community to do an activity together, and to keep the 03PYUKO CS active! The winner will be voted via poll /chosen by the admins or special rules about choosing a winner will be mentioned in the prompt itself, and of course, the winner’s illustration will also be featured somewhere and/or prizes can be won, such as PYEN or Badges!The bigger prompts will be hosted for special events only (Halloween, Christmas, Easter etc) so keep an eye out for them since there will be lots of prizes!
Please check the 03PYUKO World front page for the current Status of MYO slots! We will hold MYO events regularly!
If you traded/re-sold your MYO Slot, please check your respective MYO TRACKER and read the rules and instructions. For further information. You can update the status of your MYO Slot on your own over there! More info about which tracker is the one you need can be found on the MYO Information page.
Please go over to our 03PYUKO DATABASE, we keep track of every 03PYUKO over there.Please let the mods know about your 03PYUKO in question if you acquired them in a trade/resell/gift or if you yourself traded/resold/gifted it, don't forget to mention who you've got it from / who you've resold/traded it to and mention the value if possible when a resale happened.Don’t forget to get your 03PYUKO appraised before reselling!
Please look out for trade bulletins and of course our events on our page.We will hold raffles and OTA events occasionally!To have a higher chance of getting a 03PYUKO, join our Discord, people announce resells and trade there regularly!We also offer 03PYUKO Adopt raffles on the Server occasionally!The DLC Shop will also allow you to purchase MYO tickets with PYEN on some occasions, PYEN can be earned by joining the prompts in the server or official events.Or check out our TradeHub!
No sorry, we don’t accept points anymore.
Yes, as long as you have a MYO Slot, however, if you decide to turn the character into a non-CS again, special rules apply.More information about that can be found in the MYO Information
Yes! Just keep the AU rules in mind, that can be found in the MYO Information
Please refer to the MYO Information for that!
BUGs function as little companions for your 03PYUKO. They help 03PYUKO collect data and act similar to everyday pets, however, they don’t require a lot of care.All BUGs are communicating via binary code and have their own consciousness. Their diet consists of eating data and browser cookies.
No the BUG stays attached to the 03PYUKO it came with.
Yes, however for this to happen you would need to purchase either a BUG adopt or an “Upgrade Ticket” that allows your 03PYUKO Level 1 to become a 03PYUKO level 2. Both are obtainable in the DLC Shop.
One 03PYUKO can have up to 2-3 BUGS at once which all look the same.
BUG’s like 03PYUKO’s come in all different shapes and sizes. They can be animalistic or resemble objects and things alike. You can easily identify a BUG by its cable tail, antenna and pixelated eyes.
No, BUG’s cannot look humanoid as they are incapable of human-speech. They can only communicate via binary with their 03PYUKO host and do not have a chat-box like 03PYUKO. Which means a USER cannot see nor understand what BUG’s say to their 03PYUKO.
Unfortunately, BUG’s do not grow or change appearance wise. Although, they can be dressed up like normal pets by their 03PYUKO.
Only if the respective Tier allows so.
BUGs are born from little errors or glitches that occur when you download your 03PYUKO.Due to how they are born most BUGs cannot survive without their 03PYUKO host. However, in some rare instances, there are BUGs that can survive without a 03PYUKO host.These BUGs are known as “Strays” in the 03PYUKO community. Stray BUGs tend to cause trouble for 03PYUKO as they’ll eat any data they can get their hands on. They are known as pests and will often crash websites. Stray BUGs can be tamed with time and patience. However, there is no guarantee they’ll be loyal to any 03PYUKO.
No, all BUG’s are born from a 03PYUKO. They cannot be born or made without a 03PYUKO, even stray BUG’s once had a host.
No, BUG’s cannot breed or multiply. The only way there can be multiple of the same BUG is if the 03PYUKO host had multiple errors occur when downloading. However, in this case there would be multiple of the same BUG.
He doesn’t offer every item in every shop opening as they are hard to acquire for him, but in general, this is a list of Items usually available in the Shop:- Editing Ticket
- Level up! Ticket
- Defectify Ticket
- Intact MYO Ticket (Lvl 1)
- Intact MYO Ticket (Lvl 2)
- Defect MYO Ticket (Lvl 1)
- Defect MYO Ticket (Lvl 2)
- Stray BUGs (adopt)

The 03PYUKO DLC Shop is a shop run by a suspicious 03PYUKO, no one knows his real name so they all just call him “Ji-san”.He sells rare Items there such as MYO tickets, Upgrade Tickets, the feared Defectify Tickets and other goods in exchange for PYEN. He’s a very greedy 03PYUKO and would do anything for enough PYEN.
However, the shop isn’t always open. No one knows when and where it will appear next so you have to be on the lookout if you want to purchase something from him!(However, here is the link to his Shop for now: DLC Shop )
You are able to obtain PYEN by participating in our 03PYUKO Events! It varies from Event to Event how many PYEN one can earn.
Once you participate in events to obtain PYEN your account will be added to the PYEN BANK.
Just follow the link, in there you can keep track of your overall PYEN count.We automatically deduct PYEN from this account when you claim/purchase an item from the shop as well as automatically add the PYEN earnings to the account you earned in an event.
This is a list of users who have broken the Terms or went against the Code of Conduct as well as people that should not be associated with the 03PYUKO species.These users are prohibited to obtain 03PYUKO slots or characters, and if you are caught selling/trading/gifting a 03PYUKO to them there will be heavy consequences.
This list is public, so ignorance should not be used as an excuse.Please do not harass anyone on the list.
Harassment of any sort will not be condoned.
* A Greylist is not a Blacklist. Those users are just prohibited from obtaining a 03PYUKO through any means for an indefinite amount of time. These Users are not on this list permanently.
They are still allowed to keep the 03PYUKOs/MYO Slots they possessed when being put onto the Greylist, unlike Blacklisted Users. However, they are not to acquire new Adopts/Slots.This is a list of users who have broken the Terms or went against the Code of Conductor made other more Minor offences against the 03PYUKO CS.These users are prohibited to obtain 03PYUKO slots or characters, and if you are caught selling/trading/gifting a 03PYUKO to them there will be consequences.
This list is public, so ignorance should not be used as an excuse.Please do not harass anyone on the list.
Harassment of any sort will not be condoned.
@/creature-corruption |@/Ikimono-oshoku on Deviantart
@/corps on Toyhouse
@/corp.jpg on Instagram
> Created "off-brand" 03PYUKO /used 03PYUKO traits without owning an MYO and did so well knowing that it is a Closed Species and were very rude when confronted. “Doesn't believe in the concept of CS” and therefore steals CS concepts without paying.
> Joined the 03PYUKO server in an attempt to troll/harass together with a friend.@/Nag1to on Toyhouse
@/scottishnagito on Instagram
> Raided the server too in an attempt to troll along with their friend above.@/v1v404 on DeviantArt, Toyhouse and Instagram
-> Spreading of False Rumors / Defamation, bullying and harassment.@/weebu/animu on Toyhouse
@/healies on DeviantArt
> Breaking of TOS on purpose@/ashlooloo on Toyhouse. Tumblr and DeviantArt
> Breaking of TOS on purpose + stealing 03PYUKO lore + being disrespectful/rude@/NSA (current) / EAT / awooga / Toxicspit on Toyhouse
@/taffers DA (previously nukacult)
@/hatelust /nukacult on Tumblr
@/ATOM6961 on Discord
> callout for predatory behaviour, neo-nazi, and other awful things ( Callout was deleted)@/ASHTON#9067 on Discord
@/bruhicanteven / Tamalife/foul on Toyhouse
> Temporarily blacklisted until further notice: Involved with NSA/ATOM by co-owning 03PYUKOs@/NOSTALQUIC on Toyhouse
@/InkGlitter on DeviantArt
-> callout for predatory behaviour towards minors ( CALLOUT )@/michisanmaz on Instagram
-> Backed out of 03PYUKO Auction@/WIPMON on Toyhouse
@/ twi-cky on Deviantart
Other aliases: Momocat, formerly known as Ccobuu/Yan
-> Nazism, Racism, Transphobia, Questionable interactions with Minors etc.
( CALLOUT ) - has two parts linked
@/MilkyMiso on Toyhouse
> Failed to pay in time but ended up paying.
Other names:

@/Mazulaguna on Twitch/Twitter/Youtube
> Backed out of Auction (unique circumstances.)
Stumbled upon 03PYUKO (or another one of the many CS out there!) and haven’t got the slightest clue of what this is all about?
Interested in joining the community but, Official Designs? MYO slots? What are they?
Well, you’ve come to the right page, because we’re going to give you a detailed rundown of all that is CS-related!
Sometimes, people come up with their own species, including their own distinguishing traits, biology, lore and culture. Other people may join in on the fun, make their own characters of this species, write stories related to the species and enjoy it’s surrounding community! When this species creator decides to build a closed community around their species, this is called a Closed Species, often abbreviated to CS. A CS is “closed” in the sense that one is not allowed to make their own character of this species, unless given permission to make one. A creator may decide to keep their species closed to keep their species more manageable and its lore more consistent. The opposite of a Closed Species is an Open Species, where everyone is freely able to create their own character of that species.But if you can’t create one of your own without gaining permission, then how do you get one?Aside from trading characters with other people, there are two main ways to obtain CS characters:
Official DesignsMost CS hold adoptable sales every now and then, where you can buy a character usually drawn by the species creator themselves, the species’ moderators or skilled guest artists! These adoptable sales are often announced beforehand. Sometimes, however, they come in the form of unannounced flash sales, raffles, OTA (offer-to-adopt) or contest rewards! CS creators make official designs obtainable through various means, so be on the lookout if you’re interested in getting one!MYOThe other main way of obtaining a CS character is through an MYO, or “Make-Your-Own”, event. At certain times (usually once every month, or once every few months), most CS creators will hold MYO slot sales, where a certain number of virtual “slots” or “tickets” will be sold. These MYO slots give you permission to create your very own character of the respective Closed Species. MYO slots are a one-time use, so if you created a Closed Species character and want to make them a friend, you’ll have to buy another MYO slot.
MYO slots can often also be traded or resold if a person owns one and decides they don’t need it anymore!
Worry not! Other artists are usually more than happy to help you out! If you’ve obtained a MYO slot, you can have another artist create the character for you. This is called a “Custom”. Look out for custom commissions if you’re interested in letting another artist design for you!
Congrats on getting your hands on a CS character! You can do with this character whatever you want. Usually, the only thing CS creators wouldn’t want you to do is to use a character for commercial purposes. That is, to make money off of your character by using them in paid games, paid webcomics and similar things. As long as you don’t do that, you’re free to use your character however you’d like! Draw them, commission art of them, write them a story… why not join the CS’ respective Discord server and make some new friends there? You might even find a partner for your character! Monthly drawing prompts are often held in CS groups as well. Whatever you decide to do with your character, we hope you’ll have fun!